Welcome to my corner of the internet! After experimenting with platforms like Medium and Substack, I’ve decided to move my blog to a new platform yet again. I’ve enjoyed engaging on Twitter for nearly a decade, but the recent surge in toxicity and the dominance of influence-driven content have spurred me to seek a space where I can freely express my thoughts, free of algorithms dictating engagement.

So, I finally purchased my domain and it just felt right that I need to host my own content. My goal is to use this platform as a journal and make writing a habit, aiming for at least two posts per month and striving for a total of 20 posts by the end of 2024.

What to Expect

Today the internet has a sea of self-help content. While there are countless resources catering to beginners and plenty targeting senior leadership roles, there’s a dearth of material for those of us in the 5-20 year experience range. My aim is to fill that gap by sharing insights and reflections drawn from my own journey.

The individuals I work with and people in my inner-circle are already proficient in their fields. Through this blog, I hope to delve deeper into topics relevant to professionals who are still navigating their path to success. I will try to share reflections on day-to-day experiences with a few occassional rants 😉